Sunday, March 16, 2014

Goshen Essential Singles Plus

Goshen Essential Singles Plus is for those who are curious about Essential Oils and don't want to spend a fortune to experience and learn the benefits.
Goshen Essentials Singles includes 8 pure Essential Oils and two of our blends.  The aromatherapist has carefully selected the single Essentail Oils she most relies upon and our most sought after blends.  
Nuach is a wonderful blend to use for relaxation, and Magein compares to the Immune Support blends of some of the big name MLMs. 
The singles are:  Lavender, Ti-Tree, Rosemary,  Ginger, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Myrrh, and Frankincense.  
These oils are therapeutic grade and all come in 7.5 ml dark amber bottles for properties longevity.
Also included is a Goshen Essentials case and 4 oz. Fractionated Coconut Oil.
Over $100.00 value, all for only $79.00 through the month of March.